Sunday, September 20, 2015

NETS A: Visionary Leadership

Below you find several resources that support the ISTE Standards for Administrators, Standard 1, Visionary Leadership. 

  • The article by Dyrli and Kinnaman offers recommendations when creating and executing a district wide technology plan. 
Dyrli, O. E., & Kinnaman, D. E. (1994). Districtwide technology planning: The key to long-term success. Technology & Learning,14(7), 50. Retrieved from

  • This article touches on all of the NETS A Standards, but provides a strong underlying message that administrators and principals should be proactive (Miller & Ribble, 2009).  This message supports Standard 1: Visionary Leadership.
Larson, L., Miller, T., & Ribble, M. (2009). 5 Considerations for Digital Age Leaders. Learning And Leading With Technology, 37(4), 12-15. Retrieved from

  • Richardson and McLeod conducted several interviews based on the status and need for educational technology in Native American Schools. The article discusses the results of these interviews and suggests the ultimate needs of technology within these schools. Although, not all schools within a district are Native American Schools, the interview process Richardson and McLeod conducted, could be beneficial to school districts when collecting data and developing a technology plan. 
Richardson, J., & McLeod, S. (2011). Technology Leadership in Native American Schools. Journal Of Research In Rural Education, 26(7), 1-14. Retrieved from

  • Sheppard and Brown, based out of Canada, discuss leadership disbursement and how to move toward student-centered and technology-directed learning from teacher- directed learning. This information supports the NETS A standard through the development of a vision and using that vision to support goals and maximize leadership roles.
Sheppard, B., & Brown, J. (2014). Leadership for a new vision of public school classrooms. Journal of Educational Administration,52(1), 84-96. doi:

  • Vanderlinde and Braak discuss Technology Planning in Schools (TPS), and focuses on a product and process through five dimensions: "1. a dimension referring to the cyclic process of technology; 2. a content dimension referring tot he content of the technology plans; 3. an interaction dimension referring to the different stakeholders involved in technology planning; 4. a dimension referring to the strategies that can be used to support schools in technology planning; 5. a produce dimension referring to the outcome as a technology plan document" (Vanderlinde & Braak, 2012).

Vanderlinde, R., & van Braak, J. (2012). Technology planning in schools: An integrated research-based model. Br J Educ Technol, 44(1), E14-E17.

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